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Monday, March 30, 2009

Well I never!

It is 30th March and I have just picked two asparagus spears! This is the first year we can harvest these (crowns 3 years old now.....grown at home from seed). I have never had my own before so I don't know whether this is early or usual.
They are outdoors but mulched well with grass mowings.

They are now picked an will be steamed with our other veg tonight to see just how toothsome they are!

First two spears of many many more.....I hope!
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At 30/3/09 4:14 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I am very jealous!

My spears are just emerging. They are in their second year now in their final positions. So might have to wait until next year to harvest.

Any tips on growing them? I notice you mulch with grass?!


At 30/3/09 4:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's quite a feat, growing asparagus from seed. Congratulations!

At 30/3/09 9:49 pm, Blogger lilymarlene said...

Ryan. If yours are from crowns that you bought and planted then you can use them in the second year. I just had to leave mine three years to build up the roots enough to feed a crop because seed started ones need a year longer.
As for tips....I just follow any and all advice that comes my way. I mulch with grass clippings because it warms the soil, preserves moisture and keeps down some of the weeds. The bindweed still comes through though! I mulch all the veg beds with the grass mowings. I find they don't compost as well as they should because I need to mix them with other stuff....and that just doesn't happen. I use the grass, and when it settles down into a sort of mat I either leave it to rot down completely or sometimes remove it when weeding and shove it in the compost with the weeds.

At 1/4/09 5:28 pm, Blogger Matron said...

Ahh they look tasty! I hope they were. You must be about a week ahead of us here in London. My asparagus is about 1" tall at the moment.


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